About — Lincoln & Lucy Photography

Hello!  I am Shauna,  

photographer behind Lincoln + Lucy Photography. 


welcome - I am SO happy you are here!


As a mother, I have been shocked to find that you really do forget the details as your children get older. It breaks my heart to know that I can’t remember what my 6-year-old looked like as a tiny baby or what his newborn cries sounded like.  I try my best to conjure those images in my head but they have been blurred with time and they are all but lost.  I completely forgot that he had a birth mark on the back of his neck until my second child was born with the same mark.  I literally gasped when I saw it because I realized that I had forgotten all about it.  

That’s why photography is SO important.  It’s not about the smiles for the camera, it’s about the details, the connection, the moment. All you have to do is go back and look at the images and you instantly remember again.  You instantly FEEL it again. But you understand – that’s why you are here! 

More about me

  • I’ve been a photographer for several years but I started my career as a Social Worker. It wasn’t until I became a mother, that I really “got it”. It propelled me forward with my photography journey and it’s what continues to fuel my passion for documenting the family bond for others.

  • I have a special place in my heart for women who have struggled to get pregnant. Infertility is a devastating and harrowing experience and I know what it feels like – I was once there. My motherhood story includes lots of difficult decisions, doctors, and needles but ultimately lots of joy and a stronger, grateful heart.

  • I have a love of travel, culture and new experiences. Before the husband and before the babies, I loved to travel the world (often by myself). Someday I will introduce my children to the rest of the world too.

 Newbor and Family sessions

On location sessions available in Seattle, Snohomish County and surrounding areas.  

Kind words

Thank you for capturing the dimples, the twinkling eyes, the gorgeous smiles and overall spirit of this crazy family I’m so blessed to call my own!
— Ellie F.